Saturday, September 29, 2012


I recently got a job at PartyCity for the Halloween season and have adjusted to working long hours four days a week on top of school. It hasn't been as easy as I had originally anticipated but it has been a bit of an adventure. 
Monday to Friday I rushed around feeling overwhelmed and tired. I was in a sour mood all week because of stressful presentations and an exam, but instead of embracing it and relying on God in the daily aspects of life, I was trying to do it all on my own. Basically I had a week long pity party (and no we don’t have a section for those at PartyCity). I was working two till close today and was in the same state so I decided while I was restocking some of our most popular Halloween items (, in case you were wondering) I would spend some time in prayer.
My prayer life has been lacking lately and I have found that the moments when I feel overwhelmed are the moments that I forget prayer the most (mostly all together). So while I was praying I realized how much I was taking for granted and how the very job that was taking up so much of my time was the blessing that I had been praying for, and that it had a purpose greater than what I could see. 
So I started counting…ways that, in just past week alone, God has blessed me so much greater than I deserved. It was humbling. This week has been full of wonderful happenings that I had overlooked because of  my selfish attitude all week. 
Later tonight, as we were closing I was paired with a girl named Lauren, she goes to VCU also. We talked a lot (which is different for the people that I work with) She was telling me about how she hasn't really met a lot of people at school. I invited her to small group and large group at IV, she said she doesn't know much about God but that she would love to meet some new people.
Praise God, He is so good.

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Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2
.living a life transformed.