Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How dare we. . .

This past two weeks have been spent getting very abruptly thrown back into real life, applying for jobs, and reflecting on the incredible things that God has done this past summer through CentriKid Camps as well as in my life individually. The other night I thought back to a late night conversation that I had with my friends Seth and Adrienne, who were also staffers, about the urgency that was involved with the opportunity we had been given to share with kids the love of Christ as well as what it meant to live a transformed life as Christians ourselves (what we were focusing on this summer with the kids.) 

We talked about the urgency that the Gospel holds, in our own experiences with Christ as well as in sharing it. We threw out the fact that our hesitations, abilities, or inabilities in relation to sharing it really mean nothing. Because it is fully the Gospel that moves and not us, we just carry it. We are called by God to be obedient to His plan. All that being said we started talking about how often in camp life we would overlook the opportunity to have a conversation with a kid for maybe 10 minutes more or cut corners on spending time with kids to do something as stupid as take a longer shower. All those things being done out of selfish desires. As we sat their with heavy hearts calling ourselves out on things that we needed to re-focus on or cut from our lives Seth shook his head and just said "how dare we".


What he meant was how dare we spend time doing meaningless things when we have been given the opportunity to share the Gospel for a week to these kids Who don't truly know Jesus. When we have been given the chance to disciple those who know Christ and help them to grow in their faith. How dare we belittle what Christ has done in our lives by taking that lightly. At camp it is all about making connections over four-square or during "girl time" and using those connections to share Christ and to teach kids about living a life geared towards the gospel. Not each other (staffers), not a long shower at the end of a tough day, not a quiet dinner. We are called to live a life worthy of the Gospel in all aspects of our life.

Coming back home and thinking about that notion has been such a conviction in my life. How dare I skip out on sharing my beliefs or my experiences with Christ because it might be uncomfortable/awkward. That is not why Christ died for our sins and it surely doesn't glorify God. I joke with people that I can't turn camp mode off...I never want to.

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Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2
.living a life transformed.